Gemma is a mid-forties mother of two late teenage boys, who have both recently left home for college. She is married to Steve, her husband and one and only man for over twenty years. With an empty house and her main role in life now removed, she looks at herself and her husband and sees boredom etched not only into their faces, but into their existence. It's then that she decides she's not going to live out her life in front of the television every evening, in the laundry each day, and reading in bed each night before turning out the light and getting a 'peck' goodnight from her husband.
When she takes stock of herself, her figure and looks are still good. Yes, a few stretch marks and little cellulite on her legs, but her body isn't in bad shape at all. With the luck of blonde hair and blue eyes giving her a younger look that her years, Gemma decides enough is enough and sets her mind to finding a radical and very dangerous solution to her dilemma. Watching her husband fall lower and lower into a pit of routine, television and a complete disinterest in her, and with the admission that she has herself has become boringly dreary and suburban, she takes matters into her own hands and starts looking for adventures that will ignite her marriage. It's not long before she finds a willing ally in Maggie.
At first she believes she will light a fire in her husband that will rekindle the passion in their marriage she so desires, but suddenly has doubts about the intentions of her sexy ally, and the direction of the new found lust Maggie ignites in her husband. Soon, feelings of jealousy rage within her along with a loss of self respect and disgust as she discovers the dangers in playing with sex, primal desires and the confused passions that come with having sex with strangers.
Faced with choice between retreat or attack, Gemma ignores her fears and finds what she has craved for so many years. Intense excitement, insatiable desire and then most surprisingly of all, compassion, love and warmth from her husband – and Maggie.
Only read Gemma’s story if you are ready to take a raw, wild and erotic bisexual suburban ride as she throws all caution to the wind in her quest to satiate her husband, and her own deep, secret and most carnal of desires.
All Gemma's Stories are available on Kindle.
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